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Revolt, Kaigan   headerxl

Meet the designer

She travels the world, breathing life into various spaces. She is the visionary behind our showrooms, including our latest one in Prague. Ingrid Groeneweg shares the creation process and the inspiration behind this design.

Ingrid Groeneweg   landscapem
Fount, NOMI Work, Charge   landscapem

What was your main intention in designing this showroom?

'Several key aspects guided the design of this showroom. Our aim was to embody the Ahrend look and feel consistent across all our global showrooms. Visitors should feel welcomed and inspired within an Ahrend environment. This space balances showcasing our furniture and creating a vitalising workspace. It also supports the various needs in our own workflow, since this is where we work.'

Could you tell us about a unique design element in the new showroom?

'The most significant change was incorporating dark colours, transitioning from white to black and green walls. This bold choice aimed to create an embracing atmosphere, especially in the entrance area. We replaced glass and reflective surfaces with these colours. The plant boxes around the mezzanine introduce greenery to connect with nature and enhance wellbeing.'

Fount   landscapem

What was the biggest challenge in designing this showroom?

'The primary challenge was creating a space that inspires our customers and answers more questions about their work environment than they had upon arrival. It also needed to support our colleagues' daily tasks. We aimed to meet their needs and optimise their workflow. Together, we assembled the pieces of the puzzle to create this new design.'

Inspiration Centre Prague   landscapem

Do you have any favourite architectural details in this project?

'My goal was to create a cohesive environment, blending different furniture lines into one harmonious workspace. My favourite elements are the natural touches we added. The existing gap between the ground floor and mezzanine, where plants were growing up to the roof, was a challenge. Maintaining the plants during construction also presented an acoustic challenge.'

What inspired you the most in designing this showroom?

'The primary inspiration came from observing and interacting with the people who use the showroom. We gathered their input and observed their movements within the workspace. My inspiration also comes from everyday experiences, travels, conversations and following inspirational sources online.'

Inspiration Centre Prague   landscapem

Inspiration Centre Prague   portraitm
Qabin Call, Balance, WF25   landscapem
Engage, Cross, Revolt, Embrace, Recharge 45, Recharge 165, Concentration Corner   landscapem
Charge   landscapem

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