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Czech National Bank Visitor Centre   headerxl

Unique and educational exhibition

The Visitor Centre is a testament to educational innovation, featuring tailored elements and boasting the world's largest cinemascope, over 200 interactive components, and a video-mapping presentation of a ČNB meeting.

  • 15 low panels with double-sided graphics
  • 6 high panels with plastic covering
  • 200 interactive and plastic elements on panels
Czech National Bank Visitor Centre   landscapem

Renovation and construction

The creation of the CNB Visitor Centre began in 2021 with building modifications, covering more than 2,000 m². Renovations included updating the air conditioning system, new lighting, and complete flooring replacement. Given the historical significance of the CNB building, we collaborated closely with the Heritage Institute to ensure appropriate glass partitions, colour palettes, and brass cladding. The final phase focused on the exhibition itself, occupying 1,200 m² and divided into thematic “nests” that cover various topics related to the Czech National Bank: currency stability, money, the financial system, and statistics.

Czech National Bank Visitor Centre   squarem

Innovative elements

The central motif of the exhibition is the “statistics sculpture”, featuring the world's largest cinemascope with nine transparent touch displays. Visitors are greeted by bankers from different eras and can view statistical data morphing into people and objects. The “statistics sculpture” also offers educational games. Other bespoke elements include a video-mapped bank board meeting, simulations of bank collapses, and a dummy cash machine.

In the "domestic stash" section, visitors can discover common hiding places for money. The laboratory allows for testing the authenticity of banknotes, and a special exercise bike challenges visitors to maintain 2% inflation. The exhibition is complemented by high central panels with plastic castings displaying the main slogans of the Czech National Bank: Transparency, Expertise, and Independence.

A complex project

Julie Lišková, Project Manager at Ahrend, commented on the complexity of the project, noting that every item was unique and custom-made. “The extensive cooperation between various suppliers was a significant challenge, but the successful realisation of the project is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all involved. Great thanks belong to all our suppliers, without whom we would not have been able to put such a complex project together.”

The ČNB Visitor Centre is open to the public from Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Admission is free, offering an excellent opportunity for visitors to explore and learn about the activities of the Czech National Bank.

Czech National Bank Visitor Centre   squarem
Czech National Bank Visitor Centre   landscapem

Mutual cooperation yields excellent results

In the first month of opening, over 5,000 people visited the exhibition, which has received highly positive feedback. We extend our gratitude to the Czech National Bank for entrusting us with this unique project, continuing our partnership that began in the 1990s. Special thanks also go to the entire team and suppliers who contributed to the development, production, and installation of the exhibition.

Photos kindly provided by AV MEDIA SYSTEMS, a.s.

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Czech National Bank Visitor Centre   landscapem

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