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Royal Ahrend interior view of Inspiration Centre AIC in Amsterdam AB690B

Transform workspaces with the Ahrend Qabin.

With the Qabin Collection, Ahrend offers flexible solutions for quiet work, call or meeting places in open working environments.

  • Companies increase employee satisfaction and productivity in their organization with the Qabin Collection, and create a workplace where employees can make (video) calls and work with concentration.
  • The boxes can be customized with different fabrics, colors and accessories so that they fit perfectly with the environment. This makes the Qabin Collection extremely suitable for project and office designers.

Why Ahrend Qabin?

Companies have an increasing need for flexibility and activity-related working. The Ahrend Qabin Collection is an answer to this. The Qabin Collection makes hybrid working not only possible, but also a pleasure for everyone in the workplace.


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